lovep / thepuddingstore / dragonflyz / nine20nine / prance and swagger
i had my first successful thrifting day in quite some time on monday - portland has been super lacking in good finds lately. walked away with a incredibly well fitting black overcoat, a huge black lace button up, a pair of much needed black pirate boots, a super cute 90's fleur de lys sundress, and a black velvet gunne sax maxi skirt. the heartbreaking part was that i FINALLY found an amazing leopard print coat that ACTUALLY fit me - but it was falling apart and super overpriced. soooo sad, but i am pleased with my haul nonetheless.
additionally, prance and swagger is the most amazing etsy store EVER! it is run by my darling friend desiree, and has the loveliest high-end vintage -- a lot of people in portland sell vintage clothing, but desiree has true style and vision. such stunning pieces; if i wasn't a flat broke student i would be handing her money hand over fist!
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