i am beyond tired today, but very happy & satisfied. my fiance is home, and after hunting for suitable apartments for us all over the greater hollywood area with no real luck we've decided to stay here for a bit longer. we're going to move over to the east side of the city; all of the places we love are over there, as well as most of our friends & an abundance of luscious greenery. finding apartment around here is always such a treat - portland has tremendously beautiful old buildings. we desperately want a dog (preferably two little ones so they can bite each others ears & be dirt dogs together) which might make it harder, but we'll see. i am looking very forward to the next few months - i am going to a couple of concerts (carissa's weird in seattle and JACKSON BROWNE with my dad in southern oregon) and hopefully the weather will get better soon - drinks on porches, skirts & dresses, days at the river, etc etc. right now i am just excited to take a shower, eat some dinner (more brussell sprouts - i'm obsessed) and then get into bed with my new yorker & some ice cream.
there is a full moon tomorrow - i'll be dancing with the coven all night. xoxo.
along with polka dots, my best friend and i spent saturday night talking about the term "sexy." all we could come up with that we thought was "sexy" (i can't stop using quotations because SAYING THAT SOMETHING IS SEXY IS RIDICULOUS) were songs. "gimme danger" was one, along with some nick cave (duh) and depeche mode (double duh!) so when i spent ALL DAY listening to this song on repeat while at work, i realized it is one too - that i think this song, and michael gira's voice, is really sexy. and that is weird, I AM WEIRD, really very weird.
my best friend and i were talking over wine saturday night - about an excess of things, including polka dots. in short, this is what much of my summer will look like. i love strawberry switchblade, and always found it terribly fitting that most of their "music videos" are actually t.v. performances from japan. also, can we talk about their sunglasses in this photo? looooove!
ps: the "lost" finale last night destroyed me. i called my finance hysterically crying 2.5 seconds after it ended ... i can't believe it's over! i have watched it since the very beginning (SIX YEARS AGO) and while i feel satisfied with the end - i didn't want it to end in the first place! i feel bereft.