sheer bliss top / cheap monday cut out dress ruched with love socks / j.c. foxy platform mink pink knit tank / witchcraft cardigan
this is where my next paycheck is going - along with some vintage band (neubauten, sisters of mercy, fad gadget) shirts i found on ebay. it was my first foray on there for months (does anyone even use it anymore??) but it's always been a treasure trove for cheap tees.
i like how even while "summer" shopping i can't pull myself away from knits; the crazy rain & wind storms we've been having in portland AREN'T HELPING!
i got almost no sleep, feel crazy & am furthering that by listening to more coil and texting nonstop nonsense to my fiance. i seriously don't know what's wrong with my body - i am normally a sleeping machine - but this last week threw my internal clock off REALLY BADLY. hopefully a full day in bed with my netflix, lots of mint tea & all the windows open to the warm rain will do the trick.
so, besides listening to a lot of janet jackson / fiona apple / other "annoying" stuff while my fiance is out of town, i also end up listening to a lot of the music i LOVE that he considers "weird" - like coil. this song has been my constant companion for the last two days ... actually this whole album has been - it shifts perfectly from their more industrial songs to the ones that match this rain we've been having perfectly. i was complaining to my best friend about how much it hurts me that we will never get to see coil live & her response was "but blaire! coil will play for us in HEAVEN!!"
ps - is it weird that i consider this a dance song?
pss - guess who can't sleep alone? and ends up staying awake watching stupid things on hulu? until her eyes feel like bleeding? and also eats a whole pint of ice cream while doing so? siiiiiiiiiiiiigh.
title: Ведьма magazine: playing fashion winter 2010 model: irina denisova photographer: lev efimov
in love with this editorial - especially the bathtub photo (reminds me of "the craft") & the coat in the last shot.
i am lazing about after a week of pure insanity; multiple early morning trips to the airport + starting a new job + thinking it's okay to eat only raw almonds = extreme exhaustion. my fiance is out of town, and no matter the ridiculous amount of calls/texts i get from him, coming home to our empty house is ... sad, to say the least. the photos he's sent of the apartments he is looking at for us are NOT SAD AT ALL THOUGH. palm trees, guys. PALM - TREES.
i am going to make dinner now (brussel sprouts with lemon & garlic and butternut squash ravioli) and then sleep the sleep of the dead. have to recharge myself, because tomorrow is going to be A DAY!