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helllllooo! sorry for the silence - we've been super busy & the weather has been AMAZING; spending a lot of time outside in the sun does not make for frequent updates. anyways, i am already planning out what i am going to buy with my first paycheck (SO EXCITED, GUYS!!!) and these obesity & speed pieces are some of it. (along with the lace pants from bona drag, FINALLY.) i really need tank tops/t shirts for summer, and while i normally hate printed shirts, i love these. super simple, easy to further distress, lightweight fabric ... perfect.
i also really need new jewelry - my favourite turquoise pendant jumped loose from its setting at goth night, and i feel bereft/bare without it. i love these two pieces from bona drag (pamela love cobra necklace/unearthen vial necklace) but will probably end up going with some of the amazing, uncut quartz/amethyst pieces i found in an EXHAUSTIVE etsy search.
we are going to go play in the sunshine now!! i hope you all are enjoying your weekend. xo.

L7 & joey ramone = raddest photo ever!
(also, look at all of that haaaair!)
today was FANTASTIC! i confirmed that i got a SUPER easy, SUPER well paying job! we went thrifting! i ate delicious vietnamese food with my amazing fiance! i sat in the sun for an hour, reading my new yorker & drinking an iced americano! it was fucking 70 degrees! i wore a 90's baby doll dress with ripped tights & roper boots! i am about to go to goth night with my best friends! EXCLAMATION POINTS!
i fucking hate terry richardson, and so should you. this article explains why he is the worlds most fucked up fashion photographer. i literally wanted to vomit multiple times while reading it, so have fun with that part!

babydoll dress obsessed - the more shapeless the better.
my new summer plan is:
♡ buy as many of these as possible (I GOT A JOB!!!)
♡ add them to the collection i already have
♡ invest in some good, dark red lipstick
♡ finally admit that i am going to live in combat boots forever
♡ look like courtney love!

i know i post a lot of photos of shoes, but seriously?? AMAZING.
from the socks poking out of the top to the gorgeous texture ... i am in loooooove.
(via jakandjil)

super in love with the hair & makeup in this hanneli photograph ...

patti smith is amazing on so many levels. i've always really admired her buttoned-up punk aesthetic - she makes looking messy equal looking beautiful, and i love that.