also, it's the 20th anniversary of twin peaks y'all. not that anyone should ever have to be prompted to watch this amazing show, but if you haven't, today would be the day to start.
obviously into colored hair, although leaning more toward a light purple/pink if i was ever to attempt it. i have been thinking a lot about getting a large forearm tattoo, probably either depeche mode or einstürzende neubauten related. it will probably never happen (see: my line of work, my pain tolerance, my bank account) but it is nice to daydream about.
i had my first successful thrifting day in quite some time on monday - portland has been super lacking in good finds lately. walked away with a incredibly well fitting black overcoat, a huge black lace button up, a pair of much needed black pirate boots, a super cute 90's fleur de lys sundress, and a black velvet gunne sax maxi skirt. the heartbreaking part was that i FINALLY found an amazing leopard print coat that ACTUALLY fit me - but it was falling apart and super overpriced. soooo sad, but i am pleased with my haul nonetheless.
additionally, prance and swagger is the most amazing etsy store EVER! it is run by my darling friend desiree, and has the loveliest high-end vintage -- a lot of people in portland sell vintage clothing, but desiree has true style and vision. such stunning pieces; if i wasn't a flat broke student i would be handing her money hand over fist!
making posts about prince is the hardest thing ever -- there are just TOO MANY GOOD PHOTOS. it is seriously surreal for me to look at photos of a man and want to wear/own every single thing in it. especially those lace pants/gloves, and the leather jacket with the prince symbol on the back.
the second to last picture is from what is (arguably) my favorite prince era - you know, the one during which he only wore bikini briefs, thigh highs, a bandanna, and sometimes a studded trench. BLOWS MY MIND.
i have to stop gushing now or i'm going to have a seizure. a love seizure!
the more and more i look at this collection the more i love it. something about a good mix of hard & soft, girly & tough ... always gets me in the end. plus the headdresses are just so blatantly beautiful, and the shoes ... sigh. absolute dreams.