Monday, May 3, 2010

a frozen fire


(images from armor jewelry via in her stilettos)

in love with these!! i know that chains have become pretty common-place, but these are especially beautiful. the ring is genius; so simple and effective. now i just need to land my interview tomorrow in order to claim some of these for my own!


Unknown said...

hah, I knew you'll love them!

WET GOLD said...

i really really do! the ring just kills me. thank you so much for finding them in the first place!

Unknown said...

I'm going to try a DIY on these in gunmetal this summer... :)

the good thing about chains and shit is that you can layer/retweek f21 chained pieces to create your own fucking unique jewelry piece. take my "necklace" in the latest post for example... actually 3 layered together from f21. :)